Do you need help?


We create synergy through combining our various opinions and experience with your potential. Come on! Together, let us carry your hopes to the targets and your targets to the success we desire and aims to the success together.

Your brand speaks and we listen!

We believe that success comes through listening to the brand. Your brand has been following a track for years, consciously or unconsciously, and the track it follows shapes it and molds into the condition it is in today. What your brand says today is also very crucial, since the starting point of its future success is exactly the position it is in today. Therefore, your brand has the say before we do.

Everything shall be one-to-one in the future

We always hear this. One-to-one communication, CRM, talking as if it’s specific to the customer, visiting his premises instead of waiting for him to come to us… So, why should your brand not have this luxury when the consumer does? And that is the reason we aim to provide one-to-one consultancy for fewer number of brands in Gökhan Er Consultancy. Only your brand, you and we, without any customer representatives, layers, and bureaucracies.

Strength is not enough to win the war

One also requires a good strategy. We are here to determine the steps for the increase of your profits, balanced growth of your company, and taking on for leadership in the market, and to create the required strategy together with you. Until we take results and believe the result to be lasting.

Our priority is to produce solutions that will allow our customers to reach their goals. Our extensive experience in retailing sector has always proved that proper management of retail operations without ignoring the details has only led to success for organizations. We share our experience with you and your teams while walking together on this exciting but challenging road.
If you have operations in retailing sector, keep in mind that you have to meet the requirements of fierce competition to achieve your growth and profitability targets. Moreover, you need to work with teams composed of competent people following a planned teamwork to achieve these objectives. We identify the difference between the current situation and the desired goal together with you… And we make it by listening to you.
We identify the fields we may find helpful for you as well as our methodology together... Please note that we walk along with you…