• Financial Management
Effective management of financial data, determination of profit areas
• Organization Architecture
Effective creation of the organization with regards to profitability and efficient management.
• Sales Management
Reflecting the brand values correctly to the customer through enabling the meeting of the brand with the target group at the right time and place.
• Retail Management
Enabling profit maximization through concept creation, location selection, and performance management.
• Strategic Positioning
Establishment of how we shall create distinction and we shall position to the company in market competition.
• Development Of Business Processes
Increasing and improving the operation rate, efficiency and profitability of all the processes from design to product development, supply and manufacture to the moment it meets with the customer…
• Brand Identity Management
Enabling correct brand communication so that perception of competitive positioning in the market can be determined.
• Marketing Strategy
Increasing market share through determining competitive tactics and strategies.
• Collection Management
Enabling the preparation of collections consistent with the brand identity so that brand performance can be converted to profitability.